Day to day amusements, struggles and musings from a stay at home Mom, raising 3 kids, while hubby spends weeks away at work.

Thursday, June 17, 2010
I am so lucky to have a life rich with friends. I am surrounded by so many people who love me, and whom I love. I have a great group of 'old' girlfriends. Those who have been part of my life for many, many years. Some as far back as 3 years old. Some from elementary school. Many from high school. All of them cherished. We shared many 'growing up' times, laughing, crying, sharing, talking, consoling and listening. Many not so smart times, that shaped us and taught us, that I'm glad we 'suffered' through together! We've had babies, bought houses, found parnters, got jobs, vacationed, and put more miles and time between us and our visits. Through it all we remain close. So close I know I could pick up the phone at any time and each and every one of those who 'made it' to this stage of my life would be there. We pick up right where we left off the last time we talked, visited, shared. How special it that? How lucky am I? You know what's even more impressive? That I am lucky enough to continue to make new friends at this stage in my life. Friends who may not know my history, or I there's, but who are becoming as important, as special, as those from before. Friends who will share my current history, as it's made. Who will create a history together with me, intertwined like those of my past. Who will be there to enjoy, console and support me through this chapter of my life. Pretty impressive. Pretty awesome. So, so lucky and blessed. I love you, my friends. Those old, those new, and those to come. You are cherished.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tired, sick and maybe a bit lazy
Hello all. Sorry it has been awhile. We last talked dance recital day, right? Well dance recital day led into 'Mommy is going out tonight'. Unfortunately, going out, no matter how much fun is had (and there was a lot of fun!) means I miss out on some of my much coveted sleep. That leads to me being oh so tired. Not just the day after, but for days it seems. Some might say I'm getting older. You may as well leave now. I don't need your negativity! Ahem....back to what I was saying. So I'm tired. That is bad enough in itself. Want to know the kicker? Two of my kids, and my husband is sick too! Now that's tragic! So, going out Saturday night, plus 3 sick 'kids' (He is worse than the girls, believe me!) makes for a tired, cranky and purely lazy household. So here I sit, finally feeling rested, and guess what I get to do?! Laundry! Not just one or two loads, but piles of laundry! With 5 people in the house it accumulates faster than you can blink. So, off I go. To sort, wash, dry, fold and put away a small pickup truck full of laundry. Oh happy days!
Smiles, Be well,
Smiles, Be well,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Do Mom's EVER rest?!
So, it's Dance Recital day. Bitter sweet. So glad to be done with lessons by this time of year. So much to do to get ready and through the recital though. And guess what?! I get to do it ALL by myself this year. Why do you have no help you ask? Cause Brad is going to Van for UFC. He's leaving at 10:30, because they have to be there that early, right?! So I get to get Madison's hair done, make up on, costume on and find her missing ballet shoes (or run out to buy new ones) ALL BY MYSELF! With two other kids along for the ride of course! Fun times! I had plans to go out myself tonight. With some girlfriends from work. Now that Brad has taken off though I only have a sitter for EITHER going out tonight or working tomorrow. Great. Guess which one I HAVE to do? Keep your fingers crossed that some fellow Starbucks peeps will help a Barista out and take my shift for me! If not, my weekend already sucks! :) I hear it IS supposed to be nice out though. Perhaps I'll get a chance to lounge in the sun at some point. Oh happy days! I'm sure Madison will look darling, Brad will have a blast and I will work something out!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Smiles, Be well,
Have a fantastic weekend!
Smiles, Be well,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Cranky day
I'm having a bad day. A cranky, irritated, frustrated sort of day. Not sure why. The sun is shining; should be a solve all, right? It's my day off; should be happy, right? Well, I'm not. Everything is bugging me. The TV is too loud, kids too whiny, something smells weird, AND I had to sort the recycling! Should get out...WANT to get out...can't be bothered to get out. Maybe by myself, but I'm certainly not venturing out into public with kids today. Thanks but no thanks. Better to wallow in my misery here. Where the kids can watch TV, play, and avoid my mood from their bedrooms! Poor Brad is due home for lunch. Bet he doesn't see this coming! Don't worry, I'll be nice. May send him for wine though. Or maybe I'll nap with Lane. I'll keep you posted.
Hope all your days are going well. (sort of!) :)
No smiles, not well,
Hope all your days are going well. (sort of!) :)
No smiles, not well,
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Running...or trying to at least
So I went for a run this morning. Yup, that's right! Shocking, eh?! My friend Ali and I have been trying to get in the habit of it. So far, no go. Unless you call twice a month a habit! LOL I'm doing it for the obvious vain reasons, to lose weight and look better. I like how I feel when I do it too. As an added bonus, it will hopefully lower my super high cholesterol and help me to lead a longer, healthier life. It all sounds good in theory, but is SO hard to get doing on a regular basis. Doing it with a friend helps though. Makes me accountable when we set a time and place the night before. We meet at 6, am, not pm. It's is the only time I can guarantee I'm not busy with kids or work. We meet at Willows Beach, in Oak Bay. Nothing beats watching the sun rise and smelling the sea while you work up a sweat! So, here I go again, one run down. We meet again Friday morning. Now I'm accountable to you guys too! Hope that helps me strive (or stride?!) for success!
Happy Wednesday!
Smiles, Be well,
Crystal (the runner?!)
Happy Wednesday!
Smiles, Be well,
Crystal (the runner?!)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Who needs an alarm clock?!
Good morning! Hope it's as sunny where you are as it is here! Funny how sun can put a whole different perspective on things, isn't it? Just thought I'd give you a peek at how my morning started today. If Lane wakes up between 6 and 7 I usually take him into bed with me for a cuddle, while I wake up. It all is pretty sweet and special, his warm, small, lovely smelling self cuddled in close patting my cheek or back. His toes tucked between my thighs, softly chanting Mama or Dada. Who could ask for more, right?! It's all good, until he decides he's ready to be up. He then grabs me by my hair and rapidly yanks me, while shouting 'UP! UP!'. Then he drops off the side of my bed and starts throwing clothes at me while insisting I 'DRESS! DRESS!'. If I don't respond fairly quickly, and indeed, get UP and DRESSED, he lays on the floor and cries about how he wants to go up 'STAIRS!'. Good morning Mama! Good morning world! To have the energy of a 20 month old.... :)
Have a lovely, sunshiny day!
Smiles, Be well,
Have a lovely, sunshiny day!
Smiles, Be well,
Monday, June 7, 2010
Kids and bedtime...
I really don't enjoy bedtime. For the kids, that is, I, myself LOVE going to bed! Sleeping at anytime for that matter! I can and do go to sleep within 5 minutes of sitting or laying down. I nod off regularly if I sit on the couch in the afternoon, and even fell asleep sitting up at Shrek Ever After a couple weekends ago. I had Real D glasses on; so I'm sure no one noticed! Hopefully...! I go to sleep on my back at night and stay that way until at least 5 am, when I simply roll over and continue my slumber. Sleep, for me, is cherished!
Back to the point of this post though! My kids too, sleep well. Once they ARE asleep. The whole process of getting there can be exhausting in itself though. Each one has come in to his or her own routine, that varies from their siblings, but is oh so important to achieving slumbering bliss. It is kind of ridiculous I realize, as I come to writing it down. As silly as it seems, if followed they all drift off happily and remain that way 'til morning. Here's a recap of what each one (and us parents too, of course!) goes through EVERY night! Let me know if you think we are, indeed a bit wacky, or if you, too, suffer this evening trauma.
First off, Madison (8 1/2 years old):
Every time at bedtime, she announces she doesn't feel well. This is shrugged off completely by Brad and I now, except to suggest a drink of water. (Which she always has; it buys time you know!) She brushes her teeth and gets pj's on. If you don't actually SEE her in her pj's in a reasonable amount of time you better make sure her TV is off, or she is very likely staring at it vacantly, half dressed with pj's in hand. She ALWAYS sleeps with a stuffed dolphin. If it's missing, life ends as we know it. I keep constant vigilance on this stuffy to make sure, if at all possible, it doesn't leave her room. Once those things are in order we (Brad & I) each of in and kiss her and it's lights out, goodnight. One down!
Next, Lauren (6 years old):
Lauren, when asked to get ready for bed always protests, albeit half heartedly, with some whining and stomping on her way to get pj's and brush teeth. She brushes her teeth faster than you can blink, and usually is sent back to do more brushing at least twice. She sleeps with a stuffed puppy, and like her sister and the dolphin, drama ensues if it's missing. She's quick to go off the deep end and the puppy is often under her bed or covers even if she is in complete melt down mode. She regains her composure quickly though, and settles into bed once reunited. She needs a nightlight, and prefers to have a 'nightlite' style flashlight in bed with her. It is rechargable, but often gets forgotten in the blankets from the night before. We then plug it into the wall, with it turned on. This is second rate at best and is followed with a string of assurances and mild threats that it will have to do until tomorrow, stay in bed and go to sleep! You sometimes see her peek down the hall once or twice, but for the most part she is done. Two down!
Lastly, Lane (20 months): (depending on his nap he is in bed either before or after the girls, it varies.)
This is when it gets a little ridiculous. At bedtime, we change him and put him in pj's, obviously. That in itself can be challenging, but that is a whole other post! He LOVES to brush his teeth, and bedtime is at least the tenth time of day. We look for 'sugar bugs' and count his teeth. It is all happy and painless. He then shows Dad (and the girls if they are up) that the 'bugs' are gone. Next we read a book, usually more than one, usually more than once each. I'm a sucker for books! :) Now it's time to say 'night night'. He kisses Dad, the girls (again, if they're up), Gabby (our dog), Mama and any company we happen to have. He waves and says 'night night' and off to his crib we go. Once there, he checks to make sure his pillow is there and lays on his back on it. We then put his 'night night' Bear, puppy, froggy and alien at each edge of his pillow. He makes sure they are all visible and not covered by blankets when it comes time to over him. And cover him we do! He has 5, that's right, 5! blankets every night. We lay them on him, one at a time, and count out loud. He knows if you cheat. Make sure you don't. Then I kiss him one last time, tell him night night and I love him and leave the room. He goes to sleep immediately. Three down!
Whew! Now I'm exhausted! All this take less than 30 minutes in reality, when all goes well, but seems so much longer. I'm not sure how all these routines developed, but hey, the kids train us, right?! So, that's an evening in my household. Does it vary much from yours?
Smiles, Be well,
Back to the point of this post though! My kids too, sleep well. Once they ARE asleep. The whole process of getting there can be exhausting in itself though. Each one has come in to his or her own routine, that varies from their siblings, but is oh so important to achieving slumbering bliss. It is kind of ridiculous I realize, as I come to writing it down. As silly as it seems, if followed they all drift off happily and remain that way 'til morning. Here's a recap of what each one (and us parents too, of course!) goes through EVERY night! Let me know if you think we are, indeed a bit wacky, or if you, too, suffer this evening trauma.
First off, Madison (8 1/2 years old):
Every time at bedtime, she announces she doesn't feel well. This is shrugged off completely by Brad and I now, except to suggest a drink of water. (Which she always has; it buys time you know!) She brushes her teeth and gets pj's on. If you don't actually SEE her in her pj's in a reasonable amount of time you better make sure her TV is off, or she is very likely staring at it vacantly, half dressed with pj's in hand. She ALWAYS sleeps with a stuffed dolphin. If it's missing, life ends as we know it. I keep constant vigilance on this stuffy to make sure, if at all possible, it doesn't leave her room. Once those things are in order we (Brad & I) each of in and kiss her and it's lights out, goodnight. One down!
Next, Lauren (6 years old):
Lauren, when asked to get ready for bed always protests, albeit half heartedly, with some whining and stomping on her way to get pj's and brush teeth. She brushes her teeth faster than you can blink, and usually is sent back to do more brushing at least twice. She sleeps with a stuffed puppy, and like her sister and the dolphin, drama ensues if it's missing. She's quick to go off the deep end and the puppy is often under her bed or covers even if she is in complete melt down mode. She regains her composure quickly though, and settles into bed once reunited. She needs a nightlight, and prefers to have a 'nightlite' style flashlight in bed with her. It is rechargable, but often gets forgotten in the blankets from the night before. We then plug it into the wall, with it turned on. This is second rate at best and is followed with a string of assurances and mild threats that it will have to do until tomorrow, stay in bed and go to sleep! You sometimes see her peek down the hall once or twice, but for the most part she is done. Two down!
Lastly, Lane (20 months): (depending on his nap he is in bed either before or after the girls, it varies.)
This is when it gets a little ridiculous. At bedtime, we change him and put him in pj's, obviously. That in itself can be challenging, but that is a whole other post! He LOVES to brush his teeth, and bedtime is at least the tenth time of day. We look for 'sugar bugs' and count his teeth. It is all happy and painless. He then shows Dad (and the girls if they are up) that the 'bugs' are gone. Next we read a book, usually more than one, usually more than once each. I'm a sucker for books! :) Now it's time to say 'night night'. He kisses Dad, the girls (again, if they're up), Gabby (our dog), Mama and any company we happen to have. He waves and says 'night night' and off to his crib we go. Once there, he checks to make sure his pillow is there and lays on his back on it. We then put his 'night night' Bear, puppy, froggy and alien at each edge of his pillow. He makes sure they are all visible and not covered by blankets when it comes time to over him. And cover him we do! He has 5, that's right, 5! blankets every night. We lay them on him, one at a time, and count out loud. He knows if you cheat. Make sure you don't. Then I kiss him one last time, tell him night night and I love him and leave the room. He goes to sleep immediately. Three down!
Whew! Now I'm exhausted! All this take less than 30 minutes in reality, when all goes well, but seems so much longer. I'm not sure how all these routines developed, but hey, the kids train us, right?! So, that's an evening in my household. Does it vary much from yours?
Smiles, Be well,
I'm not too sure about this yet, but guess I could start with a simple introduction. So, here you go: hi, hello, hola, bonjour, aloha! Welcome to my blog! I've wanted to start one for awhile now, but have been unsure how to start, what to put down etc. Bare with me in these early stages as I get a feel for sharing, as well as using this site. I'm sure there will be many changes at first, all, I hope, positive and bringing improvement. I'd appreciate any and all feedback. Also, any suggestions on a 'real' name would be welcome too! Stay tuned for lots of upcoming posts and info, on me, my family, my life. Hope it's worth reading!
Smiles, Be well,
Smiles, Be well,
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